Reutwiesenstrasse 44-50
D-71665 Vaihingen/Enz
Tel. +49 (0) 7042 / 8245-0
E-Mail: info(at)hubl-gmbh.de
You have come to the right place if you are looking for a system supplier of stainless steel technology who can offer you these services:
Hubl Edelstahltechnik is a full-service provider in stainless steel sheet processing. The strength of the 110-strong team is particularly evident in product development, technical design, construction through to high-end production. Innovative, customised solutions at a very high quality level are the company's speciality. Due to its flexibility and creativity, Hubl is a sought-after partner for customers from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, mechanical engineering, the clean room sector and food technology, especially in the production of prototypes, pre-series and small series.
Hydroforming offers completely new possibilities for sheet metal processing when it comes to the design of complex geometries in 3D free-form surfaces and that already from small series of 200 pieces.
The compact unit made of pure stainless steel - hygienic, germ-free and food-compliant - with intuitive control technology. Designed by professionals for professionals.